1. The increasing market transparency of the i-world can be countered by intelligent
price management. e-business provides the chance to achieve extremely flexible
and complex price determining systems as well as new approaches to price
differentiation. This creates new possibilities for sustainable earnings; in the long
run the only ones who can escape fierce price competition are those who have
mastered the complex set of instruments.
2. Individualized Service Offerings: Value Added for the Customer
e-business enables companies not only to offer a large variety of products in
mass markets, but, in addition, to personalize the sales environment and
processes in such a way that they offer the customer decisive value added
compared to the traditional buying process.
3. Process Design in e-business: Centered Around the Customer
Customer-orientation is the key to success in e-business. The implementation of
customer-orientation requires end-to-end processes, which differ markedly from
those in the real world. The process design must ensure a smooth interaction of
software interfaces (Website) and of processes arranged upstream and
4. 1-to-1 Marketing: Personal Touch in Mass Marketing
e-business allows you to systematically attract customers in a mass market with
the help of a product/ service suite tailored to individual needs. 1-to-1 marketing
utilizes personal customer information for the benefit of both sides.
5. Community Building: Customer Retention through Networking
e-business provides the means for customers to network among themselves.
Establishing a community which is functioning around one’s own brand
generates enormous value-added. Moreover, the market position is very difficult
to attack. So far, few established players have successfully encouraged a strong
6. HR-Strategy: Management of the No. 1 Bottleneck
For established companies, recruiting and retaining capable staff becomes
bottleneck factor number 1 in the expansion of their e-business activities.
Innovative people strategies are therefore a key to success. Looking at the
example of Intel, it becomes clear how flat hierarchies, high team orientation,
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